Business, Legal & Accounting Glossary
A business activity or a commercial project.
The government-sponsored enterprises (GSEs) are a group of financial services corporations which have been created by the United States Congress.
A micro-enterprise is defined as a business having 5 or fewer employees and low seed capital.
John Smith approached Jane Doe about joining him in a new joint enterprise to sell her very popular fashion creations.
My father was such a great man that he could take almost any small business or failing investment and turn it around over time into a fantastic enterprise.
Google is an example of enterprise that is a multilayered which generates multiple streams of revenue through search engines, media, and phone products making it a very large business.
business, undertaking, company, corporate, firm
joint venture
earnings power
State Capital Investment Corporation (SCIC)
dilutive acquisition
Velda Sue
New Economy
government enterprise
personal income
development stage enterprise
foreign-invested enterprise (FIE)
enterprise-value-to-revenue multiple (EV/R)
free enterprise
development stage enterprise
enterprise value
enterprise value To EBITDA (EV/EBITDA)
government-sponsored enterprise (GSE)
enterprise value to revenue
Enterprise Investment Scheme
enterprise zone
enterprise value to sales (EV/sales)
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This glossary post was last updated: 30th October, 2021 | 0 Views.