Business, Legal & Accounting Glossary
A public place where buyers and sellers make transactions, directly or via intermediaries. Also sometimes means the stock market.
The market is categorized into different sections depending upon the population. Consumers form the most important aspect of the market.
There are different types of customers. For a better understanding of a particular market, it becomes absolutely essential to make a detailed study of its customers. This analysis is known as market segmentation.
There are different types of financial markets. These include commodity markets, capital markets, insurance markets, money markets, foreign exchange markets, and derivatives markets. Capital markets include within itself bond markets and stock markets.
A market where the number of sellers exceeds the number of buyers. In such a market low price comes into existence due to an excess of supply over demand.
Here the number of buyers exceeds the number of sellers.
Following are some important concepts that are related to the market. Those may be mentioned as below:
A two-sided market is one where market makers are supposed to provide a firm bid and a firm ask for every security that is being marketed by them. This implies that market makers have to be able to sell and buy products or services at prices that have been quoted.
The stock market is a market for trading and issuing of shares. There are two main types of stock markets – over-the-counter markets and exchanges. The stock market is also known as the equity market as companies trade shares in their equities in these markets.
active market
auction market
away from the market
bear market
bull market
black market
bond market
buyer's market
seller's market
capital market
spot market
close market
continuous market
contract market
cornering the market
debt market
depressed market
depth of market
emerging market
financial market
fourth market
imperfect market
inside market
outside market
internal market
inverted market
liquid market
make a market
mass market
Nasdaq Small Cap Market
normal market
open market
operationally efficient market
primary market
secondary market
secondary mortgage market
seek a market
thin market
third market
tight market
time to market
transparent market
two-sided market
weak market
wide market
Yankee bond market
inefficient market
specialist market
market portfolio
market rate
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This glossary post was last updated: 6th November, 2021 | 0 Views.