Business, Legal & Accounting Glossary
A proxy statement contains information regarding an issue that needs to be voted on at a shareholders’ meeting. The Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) requires that a proxy statement be filed with the SEC before soliciting a shareholder vote. The proxy statement should contain pertinent, factual information concerning the matter to be voted on.
A proxy statement may also include general matters or concerns to be discussed at the meeting. Examples of what may appear on a proxy statement include proposals for new additions to the board of directors, information on directors’ salaries and perks, and information on bonus and options plans for directors. The meetings for which the proxy statement is distributed may be the standard annual meeting or a special meeting. A proxy statement exists to help shareholders make informed decisions at these meetings.
The Proxy Statement: DEF-14A The proxy statement is the notice of the annual general meeting of shareholders filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission. For researchers, it is an essential addition to the 10-K in that it gives us an insight into the workings and intentions of senior executives and the board of directors. The proxy includes the names of directors standing for election, shareholder proposals for vote, and the appointment of auditors. It is here that you will find the reports of the board’s compensation and audit committees, and details of executive compensation. A proxy can sometimes be filed within an 8-K report.
Public corporation
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This glossary post was last updated: 29th November, 2021 | 0 Views.