Define: Robbery

Quick Summary of Robbery

Robbery is a serious criminal offense that involves the unlawful taking of someone else’s property through the use of force, violence, intimidation, or threat. Unlike theft, which involves taking property without consent, robbery specifically entails the element of violence or the threat of violence against the victim. This distinguishes it as a more serious crime. Robbery can occur in various settings, such as on the street, in homes, or in commercial establishments. The severity of penalties for robbery varies depending on factors such as the value of the stolen property, the presence of weapons, and the level of harm inflicted on the victim.

What is the dictionary definition of Robbery?
Dictionary Definition of Robbery
  1. The act or practice of robbing.
  2. The offence of taking or attempting to take the property of another by force or threat of force.
  1. the direct taking of property (including money) from a person (victim) through force, threat or intimidation. Robbery is a felony (crime punishable by a term in state or federal prison). "Armed robbery" involves the use of a gun or other weapon which can do bodily harm, such as a knife or club, and under most state laws carries a stiffer penalty (longer possible term) than robbery by merely taking.
  2. a term improperly used to describe thefts, including burglary (breaking and entering) and shoplifting (secret theft from the stock of a store), expressed: "We've been robbed.
Full Definition Of Robbery

Robbery is an offence under section 8 of the Theft Act (1968).

The Actus Reus of the offence is the actus reus for theft with the additional elements of force that is used on any person immediately before or at the time of stealing. It may be possible to convict someone of robbery if force is used after the theft has been technically committed by applying the principle of continuing appropriation (R v Hale 1978). The issue of whether or not the victim need actually apprehend that force be used is a grey area but was doubted in R v DPP 2007.

The Mens Rea of the offence is the mens rea for theft and the intention to use force in order to steal.

If found guilty, the defendant may be liable for life imprisonment.

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This glossary post was last updated: 29th March, 2024.

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