Define: Rape

Quick Summary of Rape

Rape is a serious criminal offense that involves non-consensual sexual intercourse or other forms of sexual penetration with another person. It is typically considered a form of sexual assault and is prohibited by law in most jurisdictions around the world. Rape laws vary by jurisdiction but generally require that the perpetrator engage in sexual activity with the victim without their consent, using force, coercion, threats, or taking advantage of the victim’s incapacity, such as intoxication or unconsciousness. Rape is often classified as a felony offense and can result in severe legal penalties, including imprisonment, fines, and registration as a sex offender. In addition to criminal consequences, victims of rape may also pursue civil remedies, such as seeking compensation for damages or filing restraining orders against the perpetrator. Laws regarding rape continue to evolve to address issues such as affirmative consent, marital rape, and the rights of survivors.

What is the dictionary definition of Rape?
Dictionary Definition of Rape
  1. n. the crime of sexual intercourse (with actual penetration of a woman's vagina with the man's penis) without consent and accomplished through force, threat of violence or intimidation (such as a threat to harm a woman's child, husband or boyfriend). What constitutes lack of consent usually includes saying "no" or being too drunk or drug-influenced for the woman to be able to either resist or consent, but a recent Pennsylvania case ruled that a woman must do more than say "no" on the bizarre theory that "no" does not always mean "don't," but a flirtatious come-on. "Date rape" involves rape by an acquaintance who refuses to stop when told to. Defense attorneys often argue that there had to be physical resistance, but the modern view is that fear of harm and the relative strengths of the man and the woman are obvious deterrents to a woman fighting back. Any sexual intercourse with a child is rape and in most states sexual relations even with consent involving a girl 14 to 18 (with some variation on ages in a few states) is "statutory rape," on the basis that the female is unable to give consent.
  2. v. to have sexual intercourse with a female without her consent through force, violence, threat or intimidation, or with a girl under age. Technically, a woman can be charged with rape by assisting a man in the rape of another woman. Dissatisfied with the typical prosecution of rape cases (in which the defense humiliates the accuser, and prosecutors are unable or unwilling to protect the woman from such tactics), women have been suing for civil damages for the physical and emotional damage caused by the rape, although too often the perpetrator has no funds. Protection services for rape victims have been developed by both public and private agencies. On the other side of the coin, there is the concern of law enforcement and prosecutors that women whose advances have been rejected by a man, or who have been caught in the act of consensual sexual intercourse may falsely cry "rape.
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This glossary post was last updated: 29th March, 2024.

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  • American Psychological Association (APA):Rape. Retrieved April 24, 2024, from website: