Define: Primogeniture

Quick Summary of Primogeniture

Primogeniture is a system of inheritance in which the eldest son or, in some cases, the eldest child inherits the entire estate or title of the deceased parent. This system has been historically prevalent in many cultures and societies, particularly in monarchies and aristocracies. Under primogeniture, younger siblings typically do not inherit any significant portion of the estate, leading to the concentration of wealth and power in the hands of the eldest child. While primogeniture has been practiced for centuries, it has been subject to criticism for perpetuating inequality and limiting opportunities for younger siblings. In modern times, many jurisdictions have abolished or modified primogeniture laws in favour of more egalitarian inheritance systems that distribute assets more equally among heirs, regardless of birth order.

What is the dictionary definition of Primogeniture?
Dictionary Definition of Primogeniture
n. from Latin for "first born," the ancient rule from feudal England (except in the County of Kent) that the oldest son would inherit the entire estate of his parents (or nearest ancestor), and, if there was no male heir, the daughters would take (receive the property) in equal shares. The intent was to preserve larger properties from being broken up into small holdings, which might weaken the power of nobles. It does not exist in the United States.
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This glossary post was last updated: 29th March, 2024.

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  • Modern Language Association (MLA):Primogeniture. DLS Solicitors. April 18, 2024
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  • American Psychological Association (APA):Primogeniture. Retrieved April 18, 2024, from website: