Define: Presiding Judge

Presiding Judge
Presiding Judge
Quick Summary of Presiding Judge

A presiding judge is a judicial officer who oversees court proceedings and exercises authority over the conduct of a trial or hearing. In a court of law, the presiding judge is responsible for ensuring that legal procedures are followed, maintaining order in the courtroom, and making rulings on matters such as admissibility of evidence, objections raised by attorneys, and motions filed by parties. The presiding judge also instructs the jury on the law applicable to the case and may render verdicts in non-jury trials. The role of the presiding judge is essential in ensuring fair and impartial administration of justice and upholding the rule of law within the judicial system.

What is the dictionary definition of Presiding Judge?
Dictionary Definition of Presiding Judge
n. 1) in both state and federal appeals court, the judge who chairs the panel of three or more judges during hearings and supervises the business of the court. 2) in those counties or other jurisdictions with several judges, the one is chosen to direct the management of the courts, usually on an annual or other rotating basis. The presiding judge usually makes assignments of judges to specialized courts (juvenile, probate, criminal, law and motion, family law, etc.), oversees the calendar, and chairs meetings of the judges.
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This glossary post was last updated: 29th March, 2024.

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  • Modern Language Association (MLA):Presiding Judge. DLS Solicitors. April 24, 2024
  • Chicago Manual of Style (CMS):Presiding Judge. DLS Solicitors. (accessed: April 24, 2024).
  • American Psychological Association (APA):Presiding Judge. Retrieved April 24, 2024, from website: