Define: Physician-Patient Privilege

Physician-Patient Privilege
Physician-Patient Privilege
Quick Summary of Physician-Patient Privilege

Physician-patient privilege is a legal principle that protects confidential communications between a patient and their healthcare provider from being disclosed without the patient’s consent. This privilege is based on the belief that patients should feel comfortable sharing sensitive information with their healthcare providers to receive appropriate medical care without fear of their information being disclosed to others. Physician-patient privilege applies to both medical conversations and medical records and is intended to encourage open and honest communication between patients and healthcare providers. However, this privilege may be waived in certain circumstances, such as when there is a legal requirement to report certain information (e.g., cases of abuse or threats to public safety) or when a patient’s medical condition is at issue in a legal proceeding.

What is the dictionary definition of Physician-Patient Privilege?
Dictionary Definition of Physician-Patient Privilege
n. the right and obligation of a physician to refuse to testify in a trial or other legal proceeding about any statement made to him/her by a patient on the basis that any communication between doctor and patient is confidential. A patient could sue the physician for damages if the doctor breaches the confidence by testifying. Of course, in most trials involving injuries the physician will testify with the plaintiff's permission. Note: when the defendant's physician examines the injured plaintiff, the plaintiff has given permission for that examination and potential testimony, so a plaintiff must be cautious in making statements.
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This glossary post was last updated: 29th March, 2024.

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  • Modern Language Association (MLA):Physician-Patient Privilege. DLS Solicitors. April 18, 2024
  • Chicago Manual of Style (CMS):Physician-Patient Privilege. DLS Solicitors. (accessed: April 18, 2024).
  • American Psychological Association (APA):Physician-Patient Privilege. Retrieved April 18, 2024, from website: