Define: Order

Quick Summary of Order

The result or outcome of a process or action. In the context of an order, it refers to the specific items or services that a customer has requested to purchase from a business or organization. The output of an order may include a confirmation of the purchase, a receipt, or the delivery of the requested items or services.

Order FAQ'S

An order is a directive or command issued by a court or other legal authority.

A court can issue various types of orders, including restraining orders, protective orders, injunctions, and search warrants.

To obtain an order from a court, you typically need to file a petition or motion with the court and attend a hearing.

Violating an order can result in serious consequences, such as fines, imprisonment, or other penalties.

Yes, you can appeal an order issued by a court if you believe it was made in error or based on incorrect information.

The duration of an order depends on the type of order and the circumstances of the case. Some orders may be temporary, while others may be permanent.

In some cases, you may be able to modify or cancel an order by filing a motion with the court and attending a hearing.

A default order is an order issued by a court when one party fails to appear or respond to a legal proceeding.

Yes, you can enforce an order issued by a court in another state through a process called domestication.

If you receive an order from a court, it is important to read it carefully and comply with its terms. If you have any questions or concerns, you should consult with an attorney.

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This glossary post was last updated: 13th April, 2024.

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  • Page URL:
  • Modern Language Association (MLA):Order. DLS Solicitors. April 23, 2024
  • Chicago Manual of Style (CMS):Order. DLS Solicitors. (accessed: April 23, 2024).
  • American Psychological Association (APA):Order. Retrieved April 23, 2024, from website: