Define: Imperfect Gift

Imperfect Gift
Imperfect Gift
Quick Summary of Imperfect Gift

An imperfect gift refers to a transfer of property that lacks certain essential elements required for a valid gift under the law. To constitute a valid gift, three elements are typically required: intention to gift, delivery of the gift, and acceptance of the gift by the recipient. An imperfect gift occurs when one or more of these elements are missing or incomplete. For example, if the donor intends to make a gift but fails to physically deliver the property to the recipient or if the recipient refuses to accept the gift, the transfer may be considered an imperfect gift. Unlike a completed gift, which immediately transfers ownership to the recipient, an imperfect gift may be void or unenforceable until the necessary elements are fulfilled.

Full Definition Of Imperfect Gift

A gift is the transfer of legal title to some property—land, money, chattels, whatever—that is made without consideration and is, therefore, by definition, not subject to a contract. Because there is no contract, a gift will fail if the giver can not, or does not, take the appropriate steps to divest himself of the legal title. If the gift fails, it reverts to the giver or, if the gift is testamentary, his estate. In most cases, the transfer of legal title is accomplished by handing over the physical object that constitutes the gift, making it clear that it is intended as a gift. Problems arise where there is no physical object (the gift is a choice in action, for example) or if the legal title cannot be divested without certain formalities.

Courts have frequently been called upon to exercise their equitable discretion and rescue a gift that has failed for some reason or another. The courts are reluctant to do this—there is a motto: equity will not perfect an imperfect gift—but there are some circumstances in which they will. This article outlines those circumstances.

Whether equity will perfect an imperfect gift is not a matter for academic debate only. Since a gift is a transfer of legal title without consideration and so, in most cases, is the constitution of a trust (see the constitution of trusts), it is generally believed that courts will apply the case-law on imperfect gifts in deciding whether to rescue an improperly-constituted trust. Since many trusts are improperly constituted, for whatever reason, the issue is of great practical significance. To be fair, the number of reported cases where the courts actually have applied equitable principles relating to imperfect gifts to unconstituted trusts can be counted on the fingers of one hand (some would say on the fingers of one foot). Nevertheless, trust lawyers generally accept that courts would decide this way, should they be so-called on.

The Milroy v Lord Principle

In Milroy v. Lord (1862), Turner LJ set out the only three processes that equity would recognise as establishing a valid gift. These were:

  1. An outright transfer of the legal title to the beneficiary
  2. An outright transfer to trustees to hold on trust for the beneficiary
  3. A self-declaration of trust

The important issue is that these three categories are exclusive—the courts will not rescue an imperfect gift by treating it as a trust, nor vice versa.

The case of Re Rose (1952) established the principle that, if the donor has done everything that can be expected of him to transfer the legal title, but the effective transfer is delayed by the routine operation of law, the gift is effective despite the lack of a valid transfer of title. Re Rose applied to shares but, in principle, can apply to any transfer where legal formalities take time to complete. It is routinely applied to land transfers, which are invariably deemed to be effective in equity from the moment contracts are exchanged, despite the lack of transfer of legal title.

The legal sleight-of-hand that makes the Re Rose principle work is that, once the donor is committed to transferring the legal title, he is deemed to hold the legal title on a constructive trust for the recipient. Where the transfer is to constitute a trust, suppose A contracts to transfer land to B to hold on express trust for C; then, from the moment contracts are exchanged, A holds legal title to the constructive trust for B, who holds the equitable title under this Constructive Trust on express sub-trust for C. Confused? I hope so. It took me two years to get my head around this. Anyway, this prestidigitation is necessary to allow the transfer to take effect despite lack of compliance with s.53(1)b of the LPA (1925).

The Rule In Strong v Bird

Like the Re Rose principle, the rule in Strong v Bird (1874) is often interpreted as allowing a gift to be perfected by the exercise of equitable discretion. Unlike Rose, this interpretation may well be wrong. In Strong v. Bird, the legal title did, in fact, pass to the recipient of the gift, albeit accidentally, so the gift was ‘less imperfect’ than the one in Re Rose, where title had not transferred at all, even accidentally. In fact, the rule is simply an example of equity standing aside to let Fortuitous Vest succeed.

The rule in Strong v Bird makes little logical sense. The fact that A appoints B to be his executor says nothing at all about how A views a debt he is owed by B. It is merely good fortune that B gets his debt relieved while C, who may also owe money to A, gets nothing because he is not an executor. The various extensions to Strong v. Bird, such as Re Stewart (outright gift rather than relief of debt, perfected by the appointment of the executor) and Re James (relief of debt on being appointed administrator in intestacy), are even less justifiable.

Donatio Mortis Causa

A gift made in the expectation of death. Equity will enforce a gift made by a person who has a settled, hopeless expectation of (relatively imminent) death, even if there has not been an adequate transfer of legal title. It is sufficient if sufficient indicia of title are handed over (the keys to a car, for example).

Proprietary Estoppel

Arguably, proprietary estoppel amounts to the perfection of an imperfect gift. It arises when person A assures person B that he or she believes that he or she (person A) will be given some interest in land belonging to A, and B relies on that assurance to his or her detriment. In equity, the transfer of the interest to B is effective, if it is effective at all, from the moment the assurance is given

Imperfect Gift FAQ'S

An imperfect gift refers to a transfer of property made with the intention to gift, but without meeting all the necessary legal requirements for a valid gift.

An imperfect gift lacks one or more essential elements required for a valid gift, such as delivery, acceptance, or legal capacity of the donor.

The essential elements of a valid gift include intention (donative intent) to transfer ownership, delivery of the property to the recipient, and acceptance of the gift by the recipient.

Enforcing an imperfect gift in court depends on the specific circumstances and applicable laws. Courts may consider factors such as the intention of the donor, the nature of the property, and the conduct of the parties involved.

Examples include:

  • Gifts of future property without immediate transfer or delivery.
  • Gifts made under duress or undue influence.
  • Gifts with conditions attached that are not met.
  • Gifts that are revoked by the donor before completion.

A donor can remedy an imperfect gift by taking additional steps to fulfil the necessary requirements for a valid gift, such as delivering the property to the recipient and obtaining explicit acceptance.

The recipient of an imperfect gift may have a claim to ownership of the property based on principles of equity or fairness, particularly if they relied on the donor’s representations or acted in good faith.

Legal principles such as the doctrine of equitable conversion, the law of gifts, contract law, and principles of equity and fairness may apply to imperfect gifts, depending on the specific circumstances.

Yes, imperfect gifts may be contested in probate or estate proceedings if there are disputes over the validity or enforceability of the gift, particularly if it affects the distribution of the donor’s estate.

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This glossary post was last updated: 9th April, 2024.

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  • Modern Language Association (MLA):Imperfect Gift. DLS Solicitors. April 18, 2024
  • Chicago Manual of Style (CMS):Imperfect Gift. DLS Solicitors. (accessed: April 18, 2024).
  • American Psychological Association (APA):Imperfect Gift. Retrieved April 18, 2024, from website: