Define: Forces And Effect Of Law

Forces And Effect Of Law
Forces And Effect Of Law
What is the dictionary definition of Forces And Effect Of Law?
Dictionary Definition of Forces And Effect Of Law

A phrase referring to the principle that an administrative regulation has the same significance and legal weight as a law or act of legislature.

Full Definition Of Forces And Effect Of Law

Forces and effects of law refer to the ways in which legal principles, statutes, and regulations influence behavior, shape societal norms, and regulate interactions within a community or society. Laws exert various forces and effects on individuals, organizations, and governments, including:

Regulatory force: Laws establish rules and regulations that govern conduct, transactions, and relationships, creating obligations and prohibitions that individuals and entities must adhere to under penalty of legal sanctions.

Deterrent effect: Laws serve as a deterrent by imposing penalties or consequences for non-compliance, deterring individuals from engaging in prohibited conduct or harmful behavior.

Normative effect: Laws help shape societal norms and values by codifying standards of behavior, promoting social order, and reflecting prevailing ethical and moral principles within a society.

Remedial effect: Laws provide mechanisms for resolving disputes, enforcing rights, and seeking redress for grievances through legal remedies such as compensation, injunctions, or restitution.

Transformative effect: Laws can bring about social change by addressing inequalities, promoting justice, and advancing public policy objectives, such as equality, environmental protection, or human rights.

Overall, the forces and effects of law play a fundamental role in maintaining order, promoting justice, and regulating human behaviour within a legal framework.

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This glossary post was last updated: 29th March, 2024.

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  • American Psychological Association (APA):Forces And Effect Of Law. Retrieved April 18, 2024, from website: