Define: Expert Witness

Expert Witness
Expert Witness
Quick Summary of Expert Witness

An expert witness is an individual with specialised knowledge, skills, or experience in a particular field who is called upon to provide opinions or testimony in a legal proceeding based on their expertise. Expert witnesses play a crucial role in helping courts and juries understand complex technical, scientific, or professional matters relevant to a case. They may be engaged by either party to the litigation or appointed by the court, and their testimony is typically intended to assist the trier of fact in reaching a well-informed decision. Expert witnesses must meet certain qualifications and standards of reliability and credibility established by the court, and they are often subject to cross-examination by opposing parties to assess the validity of their opinions. The testimony of expert witnesses can significantly influence the outcome of legal proceedings, particularly in cases involving technical or specialised subject matter.

What is the dictionary definition of Expert Witness?
Dictionary Definition of Expert Witness
n. a person who is a specialist in a subject, often technical, who may present his/her expert opinion without having been a witness to any occurrence relating to the lawsuit or criminal case. It is an exception to the rule against giving an opinion in trial, provided that the expert is qualified by evidence of his/her expertise, training and special knowledge. If the expertise is challenged, the attorney for the party calling the "expert" must make a showing of the necessary background through questions in court, and the trial judge has discretion to qualify the witness or rule he/she is not an expert, or is an expert on limited subjects. Experts are usually paid handsomely for their services and may be asked by the opposition the amount they are receiving for their work on the case. In most jurisdictions, both sides must exchange the names and addresses of proposed experts to allow pre-trial depositions.
Full Definition Of Expert Witness

An expert witness is the person who has the knowledge or competence to offer an opinion in court on a specific topic including information of a legal, scientific or medical nature. The expert witness may also perform other tasks for a litigator over the course of the case including testifying at the deposition and trial, evaluating cases and reviewing documents.

Generally, the first task of the expert witness is to review information about the details of the case. The expert witness may also be asked to evaluate the basic facts of the case, help the attorney understand complicated issues and outline an initial strategy. If the lawyer is reviewing a personal injury claim they may want the expert witness to examine medical information about the plaintiff to determine if the lawyer should take the case or not.

A common deliverable for an expert witness is an expert report which outlines their opinion about the case. Expert witnesses may also have to provide testimony under oath by for both attorneys. Finally, they will be asked to testify at trial, under oath, and will likely have to face cross-examination by opposing counsel.

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This glossary post was last updated: 29th March, 2024.

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  • Modern Language Association (MLA):Expert Witness. DLS Solicitors. April 18, 2024
  • Chicago Manual of Style (CMS):Expert Witness. DLS Solicitors. (accessed: April 18, 2024).
  • American Psychological Association (APA):Expert Witness. Retrieved April 18, 2024, from website: