Define: Doctrine Of Notice

Doctrine Of Notice
Doctrine Of Notice
Quick Summary of Doctrine Of Notice

The Doctrine of Notice is a legal principle that pertains to property law, particularly regarding the transfer of property ownership. It states that a person who acquires an interest in property is deemed to have notice of any existing rights, claims, or interests that are publicly recorded or otherwise reasonably known. This means that even if a person buying or acquiring property did not have actual knowledge of certain rights or claims, they are still considered to have notice of them if they could have discovered them through reasonable diligence or by inspecting public records. The Doctrine of Notice is crucial in determining the validity and priority of property rights, ensuring that subsequent buyers or transferees are aware of existing claims or encumbrances on the property.

Full Definition Of Doctrine Of Notice

To have ‘notice’ of something is to be aware that it exists. In land and property law the concept of notice is usually associated with an Encumbrance on Title. For example, if property X is held on Trust for beneficiary B, then B’s interest is an encumbrance, and something a purchaser of X would rather be free of.

The historical position has generally been that a person who ‘had notice of’ some equitable interest that encumbered the title of something he intended to purchase would be bound by that interest. To show that he had notice, it would be necessary to show that the purchaser actually knew of the interest (‘actual notice’) or that he would have known of it, had he taken reasonable trouble to find out. For example, where transfers of land were concerned, it was generally assumed that a prospective purchaser had notice if he could have discovered the interest by inspecting the land itself, or by a reasonably thorough investigation of title. If the purchaser genuinely had no notice of the equitable interest (see: Bonafide purchaser without notice) then he took the property free of the equitable interests. The doctrine of notice seemed to be most troublesome where land transactions were concerned, but it could apply to any kind of property that could be impressed with a trust (money, shares, etc). These days it applies only rarely to land transactions. Where the title to the land is registered, then by statute it is deemed that the purchaser has notice of anything entered on the register, and of nothing else. In Unregistered conveyancing, most equitable interests are required to be entered on the Land Charges Register if they are to be enforceable. The doctrine of notice does continue to apply where unregistered land is held on trust.

Doctrine Of Notice FAQ'S

The Doctrine of Notice is a legal principle that governs the rights of property purchasers concerning knowledge or notice of existing interests or claims on the property. It addresses whether a purchaser can claim ownership of property without notice of another party’s interest in the property.

There are three main types of notice: actual notice, constructive notice, and inquiry notice. Actual notice refers to explicit knowledge of a fact or claim. Constructive notice arises when information is publicly available or recorded in official documents. Inquiry notice suggests that a reasonable inquiry would have revealed the existence of a claim.

The Doctrine of Notice impacts property transactions by determining the rights and obligations of buyers and sellers regarding the disclosure and discovery of existing interests or claims on the property. Buyers are expected to conduct due diligence and investigate potential claims before purchasing property.

Actual notice occurs when a party has direct knowledge or awareness of a particular fact or claim concerning the property. It can result from explicit communication, observation, or first-hand experience.

Constructive notice arises when information about a property interest or claim is recorded in public records or documents that are readily accessible to the public. It is presumed that parties have knowledge of information that is publicly available or officially recorded.

Inquiry notice arises when circumstances or information suggest that a reasonable person would have been prompted to make further inquiries about potential claims or interests on the property. Failure to investigate may result in the party being deemed to have notice of the claim.

If a buyer purchases property without notice of an existing claim, they may be considered a bona fide purchaser for value without notice. In some jurisdictions, bona fide purchasers may be protected from certain claims or interests that were not disclosed or discovered during the transaction.

The Doctrine of Notice is a fundamental principle of property law that applies by default, but parties may sometimes contractually waive or modify its application through explicit provisions in the purchase agreement. However, such waivers or modifications may be subject to legal limitations and public policy considerations.

Parties can protect themselves from potential claims under the Doctrine of Notice by conducting thorough due diligence, including title searches, property inspections, and inquiries into potential encumbrances or claims on the property. Additionally, parties can include appropriate representations, warranties, and indemnification provisions in the purchase agreement.

Failing to comply with the Doctrine of Notice may result in adverse legal consequences, such as loss of property rights, liability for damages, or the invalidation of property transactions. Parties who fail to disclose or investigate known or discoverable claims may be deemed to have notice of those claims and could be held accountable accordingly.

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This glossary post was last updated: 29th March, 2024.

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  • Modern Language Association (MLA):Doctrine Of Notice. DLS Solicitors. April 18, 2024
  • Chicago Manual of Style (CMS):Doctrine Of Notice. DLS Solicitors. (accessed: April 18, 2024).
  • American Psychological Association (APA):Doctrine Of Notice. Retrieved April 18, 2024, from website: