Define: Doctrine Of Equivalents

Doctrine Of Equivalents
Doctrine Of Equivalents
Quick Summary of Doctrine Of Equivalents

The Doctrine of Equivalents is a legal principle applied in patent law to determine infringement. It states that a product or process may infringe a patent even if it does not literally infringe upon the patented invention’s specific language. Instead, infringement may be found if the accused product or process performs substantially the same function, in substantially the same way, to achieve substantially the same result as the patented invention. This doctrine aims to prevent infringement by minor modifications that still achieve the same overall effect as the patented invention. Courts use the Doctrine of Equivalents to ensure that patent rights are adequately protected against variations that would otherwise circumvent patent claims.

What is the dictionary definition of Doctrine Of Equivalents?
Dictionary Definition of Doctrine Of Equivalents
A patent rule under which a new device or process violates an existing patent if the new invention does the same work in a substantially similar way to achieve the same results.
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This glossary post was last updated: 29th March, 2024.

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  • Page URL:
  • Modern Language Association (MLA):Doctrine Of Equivalents. DLS Solicitors. April 23, 2024
  • Chicago Manual of Style (CMS):Doctrine Of Equivalents. DLS Solicitors. (accessed: April 23, 2024).
  • American Psychological Association (APA):Doctrine Of Equivalents. Retrieved April 23, 2024, from website: