Define: Demesne

Quick Summary of Demesne

In legal terms, “demesne” refers to land owned and directly controlled by a lord or ruler, particularly in feudal societies. It encompasses the lands that the lord retains for their own use and benefit, as opposed to land granted to vassals or tenants. The demesne typically includes the lord’s residence or manor house, agricultural lands, forests, and other resources. In medieval Europe, the demesne played a central role in the feudal economy, as the lord’s domain where crops were cultivated, taxes were collected, and labour services were rendered by serfs or peasants. Over time, as feudalism declined and land ownership patterns evolved, the concept of demesne became less prominent, although it still holds historical and legal significance in some contexts.

Full Definition Of Demesne

In general, land retained by the estate owner, and not granted out to tenants. The term usually referred to the land of a feudal overlord which he retained for his own personal use. These days the concept is only legally relevant where it refers to demesne land of the crown.

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This glossary post was last updated: 29th March, 2024.

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  • American Psychological Association (APA):Demesne. Retrieved April 18, 2024, from website: