Define: Decriminalisation

Quick Summary of Decriminalisation

Decriminalization refers to the process of removing criminal penalties for certain activities or behaviors, making them a civil or administrative offense instead. This means that individuals who engage in these activities would no longer face criminal charges, imprisonment, or a permanent criminal record. Decriminalization aims to shift the focus from punishment to harm reduction and public health approaches.

Decriminalisation FAQ'S

Decriminalization refers to the process of reducing or eliminating criminal penalties for certain offenses, making them civil or administrative violations instead.

The main reasons for decriminalization include reducing the burden on the criminal justice system, redirecting resources towards more serious crimes, addressing issues from a public health perspective, and reducing the negative consequences associated with criminal records.

Activities commonly decriminalized include possession of small amounts of drugs for personal use, certain traffic offenses, public intoxication, prostitution, and certain minor offenses related to marijuana.

No, decriminalization does not mean that the activity is legal. It means that the activity is no longer subject to criminal penalties, but civil or administrative penalties may still apply.

There is no clear consensus on this matter. Some argue that decriminalization may lead to an increase in the activity due to reduced fear of criminal consequences, while others argue that it may actually lead to a decrease by allowing for more effective regulation and harm reduction measures.

Yes, states and local jurisdictions have the power to decriminalize certain activities within their own jurisdictions, even if those activities are still considered criminal at the federal level. This can create a conflict between state and federal laws.

Yes, decriminalization can be reversed through legislative action. Laws can be amended or repealed to reinstate criminal penalties for previously decriminalized activities.

Some potential drawbacks of decriminalization include concerns about increased usage or participation in the decriminalized activity, challenges in regulating and enforcing civil or administrative penalties, and potential conflicts between state and federal laws.

Yes, several countries have implemented successful decriminalization policies. Portugal, for example, decriminalized the possession and use of small amounts of drugs in 2001 and has since seen positive outcomes in terms of reduced drug-related deaths, HIV transmission rates, and drug-related crimes.

Decriminalization can be a stepping stone towards full legalization, but it does not guarantee it. Full legalization involves the complete removal of legal restrictions and regulations, allowing for legal production, sale, and consumption of the previously decriminalized activity.

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This glossary post was last updated: 13th April, 2024.

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  • Modern Language Association (MLA):Decriminalisation. DLS Solicitors. April 20, 2024
  • Chicago Manual of Style (CMS):Decriminalisation. DLS Solicitors. (accessed: April 20, 2024).
  • American Psychological Association (APA):Decriminalisation. Retrieved April 20, 2024, from website: