Define: Curtesy

Quick Summary of Curtesy

Curtesy tenure is the legal term denoting the life interest which a widower may claim in the lands of his deceased wife, under certain conditions. The tenure relates only to those lands of which his wife was in her lifetime actually seised and not therefore to an estate of inheritance

What is the dictionary definition of Curtesy?
Dictionary Definition of Curtesy

curtesy. cur·te·sy. noun. The definition of curtesy is a law that states a man gains the rights to his wife’s land after she dies, as long as they have children together. An example of curtesy is a widower keeping his wife’s house after she died.

Curtesy is a legal doctrine that grants a husband a life estate in the real property of his deceased wife. This right arises automatically upon the death of the wife and is based on the assumption that the husband contributed to the acquisition of the property during the marriage. Curtesy allows the husband to possess and enjoy the property until his death, after which it passes to the wife’s heirs. However, curtesy has been largely abolished in modern times, with only a few jurisdictions still recognising this right.

  • a man is entitled to inherit the property of his deceased wife if there is a child who could inherit it.
  • The tenure that a widower holds over the property of his deceased wife.

n. in old common law, the right of a surviving husband to a life estate in the lands of his deceased wife if they had a surviving child or children who would inherit the land. A few US states still recognise this charming anachronism.



Full Definition Of Curtesy

The right applied to the husband of a deceased wife, granting the man estate and property assets. To qualify as a beneficiary, a child must have been born during the marriage, with assets passing onto the child upon maturity. Curtesy ensures a husband can use the estate but cannot transfer ownership or sell the estate to anyone besides the child.

Common law provided that upon marriage, a husband acquired a right, sometimes called a freehold estate, to the use and profits of his wife’s lands. His estate jure uxoris (Latin for “in the right of the wife”) continued only during the marriage and terminated upon the death of either spouse or upon their divorce. At early common law in England, an absolute divorce could be obtained only by an Act of Parliament. Consequently, for practical purposes, the husband acquired a right to the use and profit of the land during the joint lives of the parties. This estate was subject to sale or mortgage by the husband and could be reached to satisfy the claims of his creditors. The estate jure uxoris virtually disappeared with the enactment of the Married Women’s Acts, which gave married women a right to manage their own separate estates.

Pursuant to common law, upon the birth of a child capable of inheriting the land, a husband acquires a life estate, or property interest, the duration of which is limited to the life of the party holding it or to that of some other person, in the lands his wife owns. This estate is designated as curtesy initiate, which replaces the husband’s estate jure uxoris under early common law. The husband can sell or mortgage the land, and it can be reached to satisfy the claims of his creditors. Upon the death of the wife, it becomes curtesy consummate.

In some states, due to the Married Women’s Acts, the birth of a child does not give the husband a vested interest in his wife’s property. Until the death of the wife, the husband has a right of curtesy, which is not a present right but which might develop into a legally enforceable right if not barred, extinguished, or divested. This interest cannot be subjected to the claims of the husband’s creditors.

The right of curtesy rests upon proof of a legally recognised marriage, as distinguished from a good faith marriage or a de facto marriage, one in which the parties live together as husband and wife, but the union has no legal effect due to defects in form, such as an invalid licence. A Voidable marriage, one that is valid when entered into and that remains valid until either party obtains a lawful court order dissolving the marital relationship, suffices for purposes of curtesy if the marriage is not rendered null before the right to the estate arises.

Curtesy has gradually lost much of its previous significance in the law. In some jurisdictions, curtesy attaches only to the real estate that the wife owns at death, rather than to the real estate owned by the wife during the marriage. In other places, a statutory elective share in the wife’s estate has taken the place of curtesy. A few jurisdictions have enacted statutes that embody the basic principles of common-law curtesy, but with some modifications.

Common law provides that an absolute divorce bars a claim of curtesy. A legal separation, sometimes called a divorce or a mensa et thoro “from bed and board,”  does not terminate the marital relationship. In the absence of an express statute, such a divorce will not bar curtesy. This is also true in regard to an interlocutory decree of divorce, a temporary, interim order of the court.

Statutes in some states provide that curtesy can be denied upon proof of certain types of misconduct, such as adultery, the voluntary sexual intercourse of a married person with a person other than one’s spouse. Several states have statutes preserving curtesy if a divorce or legal separation was obtained because of the fault of the wife. Statutes in many states provide that a murderer is not entitled to property rights in the estate of the victim. Some decisions apply these statutes to cases involving curtesy. In other states, these interests are barred by the principle that a person must not be permitted to profit from his or her own wrongs. In accordance with this theory, a constructive trust will be declared in favour of the heirs or devisees of the deceased wife who was murdered by her husband.

Curtesy FAQ'S

Curtesy is a legal doctrine that grants a husband certain rights in his deceased wife’s property, specifically her real estate, upon her death.

Curtesy and dower are similar concepts, but they differ in terms of gender. Curtesy applies to a husband’s rights in his deceased wife’s property, while dower applies to a wife’s rights in her deceased husband’s property.

No, curtesy is not recognised in all states. It is a common law doctrine that has been abolished in many jurisdictions. It is important to consult the specific laws of your state to determine if curtesy applies.

The requirements for a husband to claim curtesy vary by jurisdiction, but generally, the husband must have been married to the deceased wife at the time of her death and have had a child with her.

The duration of curtesy varies by jurisdiction. In some states, it lasts for the husband’s lifetime, while in others, it may terminate upon the husband’s remarriage or death.

Yes, a husband can still claim curtesy even if the wife has a will. However, the terms of the will may impact the extent of the husband’s curtesy rights.

Yes, a husband can waive his curtesy rights. This may occur through a prenuptial agreement or a postnuptial agreement, where the husband voluntarily relinquishes his rights to the wife’s property.

Curtesy generally applies only to the wife’s separate property, not property owned jointly with another person. In joint ownership situations, the surviving joint owner typically retains full ownership rights.

No, only property that the wife owned at the time of her death is subject to curtesy rights. If the property was sold before her death, the husband would not have any curtesy rights in relation to that property.

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This glossary post was last updated: 11th April, 2024.

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  • Modern Language Association (MLA):Curtesy. DLS Solicitors. April 18, 2024
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  • American Psychological Association (APA):Curtesy. Retrieved April 18, 2024, from website: