Define: Credible Witness

Credible Witness
Credible Witness
Quick Summary of Credible Witness

A credible witness is an individual whose testimony is considered trustworthy and believable in a legal proceeding. The credibility of a witness is crucial in determining the weight and validity of their testimony. Factors that contribute to a witness’s credibility include their demeanour on the stand, consistency in their statements, lack of bias or motive to lie, ability to perceive and remember events accurately, and any corroborating evidence supporting their testimony. Witnesses who are deemed credible by the court are more likely to influence the outcome of a case.

What is the dictionary definition of Credible Witness?
Dictionary Definition of Credible Witness

n. a witness whose testimony is more than likely to be true based on his/her experience, knowledge, training and appearance of honesty and forthrightness, as well as common human experience. This is subjective in that the trier of fact (judge or jury) may be influenced by the demeanor of the witness or other factors.

Credible Witness FAQ'S

A credible witness is an individual who is deemed trustworthy and reliable to provide testimony or evidence in a legal proceeding based on their perceived honesty, accuracy, and first-hand knowledge of the facts.

The credibility of a witness is typically assessed by considering factors such as their demeanour, consistency in testimony, ability to perceive and recall events accurately, bias or motive to lie, prior criminal record, and corroborating evidence.

A witness may be considered credible if they have first-hand knowledge of the events in question, present their testimony in a clear and consistent manner, are free from bias or prejudice, and are able to withstand cross-examination without contradicting themselves.

Yes, if a witness’s credibility is called into question, they may be subject to impeachment through cross-examination, presentation of contradictory evidence, or introduction of prior inconsistent statements to undermine their testimony.

Factors that may affect a witness’s credibility include:

  • Inconsistent or contradictory statements.
  • Bias or motive to lie.
  • Lack of first-hand knowledge.
  • Memory lapses or confusion.
  • Prior criminal convictions or dishonest conduct.
  • Corroboration or lack thereof from other witnesses or evidence.

Yes, the credibility of a witness can be challenged through cross-examination by opposing counsel, presentation of contradictory evidence, or submission of impeachment material to the court.

Witness credibility is crucial in legal proceedings as it directly impacts the weight and persuasiveness of the testimony presented, influencing the judge or jury’s assessment of the evidence and ultimately the outcome of the case.

Witnesses can enhance their credibility by:

  • Providing honest and consistent testimony.
  • Remaining calm and composed while testifying.
  • Sticking to the facts and avoiding speculation.
  • Admitting when they do not know or remember something.
  • Being respectful and cooperative during cross-examination.

Yes, expert witnesses may be considered credible if they possess specialised knowledge, experience, or qualifications relevant to the subject matter of their testimony and present their opinions in a reliable and unbiased manner.

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This glossary post was last updated: 29th March, 2024.

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  • Modern Language Association (MLA):Credible Witness. DLS Solicitors. April 18, 2024
  • Chicago Manual of Style (CMS):Credible Witness. DLS Solicitors. (accessed: April 18, 2024).
  • American Psychological Association (APA):Credible Witness. Retrieved April 18, 2024, from website: