Define: Covenant Of Right To Convey

Covenant Of Right To Convey
Covenant Of Right To Convey
Quick Summary of Covenant Of Right To Convey

The Covenant of Right to Convey is a legal provision often found in property law, particularly in real estate transactions. It represents an assurance given by a property seller, guaranteeing that they have the legal authority to transfer ownership of the property to the buyer. This covenant essentially confirms that the seller holds clear title to the property and has the legal right to convey it to the buyer without any encumbrances or restrictions. The Covenant of Right to Convey provides the buyer with assurance and protection against potential legal challenges to their ownership of the property following the transaction.

What is the dictionary definition of Covenant Of Right To Convey?
Dictionary Definition of Covenant Of Right To Convey

An agreement, promise, or contract that shows that the grantor may transfer the title of the real estate.

Full Definition Of Covenant Of Right To Convey

A covenant of right to convey is a legal provision that grants the owner of a property the right to transfer or convey the property to another party. This covenant ensures that the owner has the legal authority to sell or transfer the property without any restrictions or limitations. It is typically included in property deeds or contracts to provide assurance to potential buyers or transferees that they will receive clear and marketable title to the property. The covenant of right to convey is enforceable by law, and any violation of this covenant may result in legal consequences.

Covenant Of Right To Convey FAQ'S

A Covenant of Right to Convey is a legal agreement between parties involved in a real estate transaction that grants the right to transfer or convey the property to another party.

This covenant ensures that the property owner has the legal authority to transfer the property to another party without any restrictions or limitations.

Yes, a Covenant of Right to Convey can be included in a real estate contract to provide assurance to the buyer that the seller has the legal right to transfer the property.

If a party breaches the Covenant of Right to Convey, the other party may seek legal remedies, such as specific performance or monetary damages, to enforce the covenant.

Yes, parties involved in a real estate transaction can agree to waive or modify the Covenant of Right to Convey, but such modifications should be done in writing and signed by all parties involved.

Certain legal restrictions, such as easements or encumbrances, may limit the full right to convey the property. These exceptions should be disclosed to the buyer before entering into a contract.

No, a Covenant of Right to Convey is a contractual agreement between parties, while a warranty deed is a legal document that guarantees the title to the property is clear and free from any defects.

Generally, a Covenant of Right to Convey is enforceable only between the parties involved in the agreement and does not bind third parties unless they are successors in interest to the property.

It is always advisable to consult with a qualified real estate attorney before including any covenants or agreements in a real estate transaction to ensure compliance with local laws and regulations.

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This glossary post was last updated: 10th April, 2024.

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  • Modern Language Association (MLA):Covenant Of Right To Convey. DLS Solicitors. April 18, 2024
  • Chicago Manual of Style (CMS):Covenant Of Right To Convey. DLS Solicitors. (accessed: April 18, 2024).
  • American Psychological Association (APA):Covenant Of Right To Convey. Retrieved April 18, 2024, from website: