Define: Contractee

Quick Summary of Contractee

A project owner or other entity that enters into a contract with a contractor/vendor and receives specified goods and/or services under the terms of the contract.

What is the dictionary definition of Contractee?
Dictionary Definition of Contractee

A contractee is a project owner (sometimes called a client or principal) or other entity that enters into a contract with a contractor or vendor and receives specified goods and/or services under the terms of the contract (for example: a purchase order).

1. legal A party to a contract.
2. construction The party to a construction contract who is not the contractor; frequently the owner.

Full Definition Of Contractee

Owner of a project (also known as principal or client) or anyone else who gets into a deal with a builder or merchant and gets particular commodities or/and services as per the conditions of the deal. (like any purchase order).

The contractee is the party who receives the benefits or services outlined in a contract. They are obligated to fulfill any obligations or requirements specified in the contract and may be entitled to certain rights or remedies if the contract is breached by the other party. The contractee’s role is to accept and comply with the terms and conditions set forth in the contract in order to receive the agreed-upon output.

Contractee FAQ'S

A contractee refers to a party who enters into a contract with another party, known as the contractor or service provider, to perform certain obligations or provide goods or services in exchange for consideration.

The rights and obligations of a contractee depend on the terms and conditions specified in the contract. Generally, contractees have the right to receive the agreed-upon goods or services and may be obligated to fulfil certain payment or performance obligations.

Common types of contracts involving contractees include:

  • Employment contracts between employers and employees.
  • Service contracts between service providers (e.g., contractors, consultants) and clients.
  • Sales contracts between buyers and sellers for the purchase of goods.
  • Lease agreements between landlords and tenants for the rental of property.

Yes, contractees typically have the right to enforce the terms of a contract against the other party, known as the obligor or counterparty, if the obligor fails to fulfil their obligations under the contract.

The remedies for a breach of contract may include:

  • Damages: Monetary compensation to cover losses resulting from the breach.
  • Specific performance: Court-ordered performance of the contractual obligations.
  • Rescission: Termination of the contract and restoration of the parties to their pre-contractual positions.
  • Injunctions: Court orders prohibiting certain actions or enforcing compliance with contractual terms.

In some cases, contractees may be able to assign their rights or delegate their obligations under a contract, but this often depends on the specific terms of the contract and applicable law.

For a contract to be valid, it must typically include elements such as offer and acceptance, consideration, mutual assent or agreement, capacity to contract, and legality of purpose.

Contractees may modify or amend the terms of a contract through mutual agreement with the other party, usually in writing, to reflect changes in circumstances or to clarify certain provisions.

If the other party breaches the contract, the contractee may pursue legal remedies through litigation or alternative dispute resolution methods to enforce the terms of the contract and seek compensation for any resulting losses.

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This glossary post was last updated: 10th April, 2024.

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  • Page URL:
  • Modern Language Association (MLA):Contractee. DLS Solicitors. April 18, 2024
  • Chicago Manual of Style (CMS):Contractee. DLS Solicitors. (accessed: April 18, 2024).
  • American Psychological Association (APA):Contractee. Retrieved April 18, 2024, from website: