
Business, Legal & Accounting Glossary

Definition: Compounding


What is the dictionary definition of Compounding?

Dictionary Definition

A process whereby the value of an investment increases exponentially over time due to compound interest.

Full Definition of Compounding

When money is placed on deposit to earn interest, the interest can be paid out periodically as it is earned, or it can be left on deposit. If interest left on deposit does not itself earn interest, the deposit is said to earn simple interest.

Measure time in years. With simple interest, at any time t, the value of the deposit is given by the product

a (1 + t) [1]

Where a is the amount of the initial deposit and is the simple rate of interest. For example, if USD 100 is left on deposit to earn an = .06 rate of simple interest, at the end three years, the deposit will be worth

100 (1 + (.06) 3) = 118 [2]

Formula [1] means that, when a deposit earns simple interest, its value grows linearly with time.

In practice, simple interest is rarely used for deposits held more than a year. An alternative is to credit interest, not based upon the initial value of the deposit, but based on its accumulated value. This approach is called compound interest. With it, interest is earned on both the initial deposit and on any interest that has already been earned but left on deposit—interest is earned on interest. At any time t, the value of the deposit is given by:

where n is the compounding frequency—the number of times per year that interest is credited. The constant rn is the interest rate. Typical values for n include

  • 1 for annual compounding,
  • 2 for semiannual compounding,
  • 4 for quarterly compounding, and
  • 12 for monthly compounding.

For example, if USD 100 is left on deposit to earn an r2 = .06 rate of semiannually compounded interest, at the end three years, the deposit will be worth

Formula [3] means that, when a deposit earns compound interest, its value grows exponentially with time.

With compounding, larger values of n correspond to interest being credited more and more frequently. The limiting case of this is called continuous compounding where interest is credited on a continuous basis. The distinction is like the difference between getting water from a hand pump and getting water from a faucet. With the hand pump, the water flow is broken. With the faucet, it is continuous. The faucet does not necessarily deliver water any faster than the pump. It just delivers it continuously.

Interest is rarely compounded continuously in practice. Continuous compounding is more of a theoretical notion. It is used frequently in theoretical finance because it simplifies many calculations

Related Phrases

compound annual return
compound growth rate
Rule of 72
continuous compounding
discrete compounding

Cite Term

To help you cite our definitions in your bibliography, here is the proper citation layout for the three major formatting styles, with all of the relevant information filled in.

Page URL
Modern Language Association (MLA):
Compounding. Payroll & Accounting Heaven Ltd.
April 19, 2024
Chicago Manual of Style (CMS):
Compounding. Payroll & Accounting Heaven Ltd. (accessed: April 19, 2024).
American Psychological Association (APA):
Compounding. Retrieved April 19, 2024
, from website:

Definition Sources

Definitions for Compounding are sourced/syndicated and enhanced from:

  • A Dictionary of Economics (Oxford Quick Reference)
  • Oxford Dictionary Of Accounting
  • Oxford Dictionary Of Business & Management

This glossary post was last updated: 20th November, 2021 | 0 Views.