Define: Codification

Quick Summary of Codification

Codification is the process of systematically organising and compiling laws, regulations, and legal principles into a comprehensive and unified code or statute. It involves categorising, arranging, and structuring legal provisions according to specific topics or subject areas to create a cohesive and accessible body of law. Codification serves several purposes, including promoting clarity, consistency, and accessibility of the law, facilitating legal research and interpretation, and promoting legal certainty and predictability. Codification can be undertaken by legislative bodies, government agencies, or legal scholars, and it may involve consolidating existing laws and regulations, clarifying ambiguous provisions, and harmonising conflicting rules. Once codified, the laws are typically published in a single authoritative source, such as a legal code or statute book, making them easier for individuals, businesses, and legal professionals to access and understand.

What is the dictionary definition of Codification?
Dictionary Definition of Codification

Codification refers to the process of organising and consolidating laws, regulations, and other legal materials into a systematic and comprehensive code. This can involve reorganising existing laws, eliminating inconsistencies, and updating outdated provisions. Codification aims to make the law more accessible and understandable for the public, legal professionals, and government officials. It can also help to streamline legal processes and improve the efficiency of the legal system.

Full Definition Of Codification

Literally, ‘making a book’ (or ‘codex’).

In law, codification is the process of collecting and restating either the complete law of a distinct legal system (e.g., France’s Napoleonic Code, established in 1804) or else a particular branch of law within that system (e.g., America’s Uniform Commercial Code, first published in 1952 and later enacted, in whole or in part, in all 50 states).

Its aim is to replace and supersede all existing rules of

Codification refers to the process of organising and consolidating laws, regulations, and other legal materials into a systematic and comprehensive code. This can involve reorganising existing laws, eliminating inconsistencies, and updating outdated provisions. Codification aims to make the law more accessible and understandable for the public, legal professionals, and government officials. It can also help to streamline legal processes and improve the efficiency of the legal system.

law (customary, case and statutory) with a newly formulated ‘legal code.

The process of codification involves extracting fundamental principles on which an existing set of laws is based and articulating these in a more accessible form. In England, the term ‘codification’ frequently refers to the aspiration, long-held by various scholars and commentators, of removing the perceived disorder and excessive technicalities of the common law while preserving its rational substance. Here, proponents of codification have sought to convert the common law into a less vague and more logical statutory framework. However, the few genuine attempts to implement this ideal have universally failed. Lord Chancellor Westbury, for instance, contemplated a Digest of English law and had a Royal Commission appointed in 1866 to examine the expediency of his proposal. After issuing a report in 1867, though, the project quickly lapsed. In 1872, Sir James Fitzjames Stephen drafted a Code of the Law of Evidence, which received only a first reading in Parliament. He then drafted, in 1879, a Code of Criminal Law and Procedure; the section relating to Criminal Procedure was introduced into Parliament but immediately dropped. More recently, codification was declared to be one of the objects of the Law Commissions appointed in 1965, but (again) no material progress was made.

The debate over codification is well worn, with each side tending to rehash generally familiar arguments and objections. Proponents cite a need to rationalise a more or less chaotic volume of pre-existing law and to provide the legal system with a fresh basis for development. They defend the utility of creating a unifying element for a more ‘rational’ political state. Jeremy Bentham, a staunch advocate of codification as essential to his quest for legislative reform, saw legal codes as complete and self-sufficient and not to be supplemented or modified except through the process of legislation.

He argued passionately that codes

  1. offer clarity where the common law is vague and uncertain;
  2. constitute the law of the legislator, thereby rendering it more responsive to people’s needs and more democratic than judge-made law; and
  3. make the law accessible to the general public, while the common law may only be grasped by legally trained ‘specialists.

On the other hand, opponents of codification, with equal fervour, have argued:

  • the common law cannot be codified.
  • a code would sacrifice the flexibility of the common law, and
  • a code would trap the reasoning of the common law within rigid conceptual confines. In short, the debate over codification, regardless of the historical period, boils down to those who emphasise the need for crystal-clear rationality and logical system in the law versus those who strive for flexibility and adaptability in the law, especially in light of the unpredictable social contingencies and unprecedented social challenges that a legal system will inevitably confront over time.

See also common law and statute.

Codification FAQ'S

Codification is the process of organising and systematically arranging laws and regulations into a comprehensive and accessible legal code.

Codification helps to simplify and streamline the legal system by consolidating scattered laws and regulations into a single, cohesive document. It enhances legal certainty and facilitates ease of reference for legal practitioners, judges, and the general public.

The responsibility for codifying laws typically lies with the legislative body of a country or jurisdiction. In some cases, specialised agencies or commissions may be established to undertake the task of codification.

Codification provides legal practitioners with a centralised and organised source of laws, making it easier to locate and interpret relevant statutes. It also helps identify any inconsistencies or gaps in the legal framework.

Yes, codification can involve the revision, amendment, or repeal of existing laws. The process allows for the consolidation and modernization of legal provisions, ensuring they remain relevant and effective.

Codification aims to provide clarity and coherence in the legal system, which can aid in the interpretation of laws. By organising and structuring legal provisions, codification helps to reduce ambiguity and promote consistent application of the law.

Yes, codification can be undone through the process of decodification. Decodification involves the repeal or amendment of a legal code, returning the legal system to a more fragmented or decentralised state.

While there are no universally binding international standards for codification, various international organisations, such as the United Nations and the European Union, provide guidelines and recommendations to assist countries in the process of codification.

The frequency of updates to legal codes varies depending on the jurisdiction and the nature of the laws being codified. Some codes may undergo regular revisions to reflect societal changes, while others may be updated less frequently, focusing on specific areas of law that require attention.

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This glossary post was last updated: 9th April, 2024.

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  • American Psychological Association (APA):Codification. Retrieved April 18, 2024, from website: