Define: Co-Signer

Quick Summary of Co-Signer

A co-signer is a person who agrees to take joint responsibility for a debt or financial obligation along with the primary borrower. When someone applies for a loan or credit but lacks sufficient credit history or income to qualify on their own, a lender may require a co-signer to guarantee the loan. The co-signer’s role is to provide additional assurance to the lender that the debt will be repaid, thereby increasing the likelihood of approval for the primary borrower. By co-signing, the co-signer becomes equally liable for the debt and is responsible for making payments if the primary borrower fails to do so. Co-signing can help individuals, such as students or those with limited credit, access credit opportunities, but it also carries risks for the co-signer, including potential damage to their credit score and financial liability if the borrower defaults on the loan.

What is the dictionary definition of Co-Signer?
Dictionary Definition of Co-Signer

A co-signer is a person who agrees to be responsible for a loan or financial obligation if the primary borrower fails to fulfil their obligations. The co-signer is equally liable for the debt and their credit may be affected if the primary borrower defaults. It is important for co-signers to fully understand their responsibilities and the potential consequences before agreeing to co-sign a loan.

Full Definition Of Co-Signer

A second individual or party who also signs a promissory note or loan agreement, thereby taking responsibility for the debt in the event that the primary borrower cannot pay. A co-signer typically does not appear on the title or deed.

Co-Signer FAQ'S

A co-signer is a person who agrees to take on the responsibility of repaying a loan or lease if the primary borrower fails to make payments.

Lenders may require a co-signer if the primary borrower has a low credit score, limited credit history, or insufficient income to qualify for a loan or lease on their own.

Not everyone can be a co-signer. Lenders typically require co-signers to have a good credit history, stable income, and a willingness to take on the financial responsibility if the primary borrower defaults.

As a co-signer, you are equally responsible for repaying the loan or lease. If the primary borrower fails to make payments, it can negatively impact your credit score, and you may be held legally liable for the debt.

In most cases, you cannot remove yourself as a co-signer unless the primary borrower refinances the loan or lease in their name only. It is important to carefully consider the implications before agreeing to be a co-signer.

Yes, if the primary borrower defaults on the loan or lease, the co-signer can be held responsible for the entire debt, including any late fees, penalties, or collection costs.

In some cases, lenders may allow a co-signer to be released from their obligations if the primary borrower demonstrates a history of responsible payments and meets certain credit criteria. However, this is not guaranteed, and it is best to consult with the lender for specific requirements.

legal action against the primary borrower?

If the primary borrower defaults on the loan or lease, the co-signer may have the right to take legal action to recover the debt. However, this can be a complex process, and it is advisable to consult with an attorney to understand the legal options available.

If the primary borrower defaults and the co-signer fails to repay the debt, the lender may pursue legal action to collect the outstanding amount. This can include seeking a judgment against the co-signer and potentially seizing their assets to satisfy the debt.

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This glossary post was last updated: 6th April, 2024.

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  • Page URL:
  • Modern Language Association (MLA):Co-Signer. DLS Solicitors. April 18, 2024
  • Chicago Manual of Style (CMS):Co-Signer. DLS Solicitors. (accessed: April 18, 2024).
  • American Psychological Association (APA):Co-Signer. Retrieved April 18, 2024, from website: