Define: But For Rule

But For Rule
But For Rule
Quick Summary of But For Rule

The “but for” rule is a legal principle used to determine causation in tort law. According to this rule, a defendant’s conduct is deemed to be the cause of harm or injury if the harm would not have occurred “but for” the defendant’s actions. In other words, if the harm would not have happened but for the defendant’s negligent or wrongful conduct, then the defendant is considered to be the cause of the harm.

The “but for” rule is often applied in cases where there may be multiple factors contributing to an injury or event. It helps courts assess whether the defendant’s actions were a substantial factor in bringing about the harm, and if so, holds the defendant liable for damages. However, in some cases where there are multiple causes contributing to the harm, courts may use alternative tests, such as the “substantial factor” test, to determine causation. Nonetheless, the “but for” rule remains a fundamental principle in establishing causation in tort law.

What is the dictionary definition of But For Rule?
Dictionary Definition of But For Rule
n. one of several tests to determine if a defendant is responsible for a particular happening. In this test, was there any other cause, or would it have occurred "but for" the defendant's actions? Example: "But for" defendant Drivewild's speeding, the car would not have gone out of control, and therefore the defendant is responsible. This is shorthand for whether the action was the "proximate cause" of the damage.
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This glossary post was last updated: 29th March, 2024.

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  • Modern Language Association (MLA):But For Rule. DLS Solicitors. April 20, 2024
  • Chicago Manual of Style (CMS):But For Rule. DLS Solicitors. (accessed: April 20, 2024).
  • American Psychological Association (APA):But For Rule. Retrieved April 20, 2024, from website: