Define: Bigamy

Quick Summary of Bigamy

In UK law, bigamy is the act of marrying someone while still legally married to another person. It is considered a criminal offense under the Matrimonial Causes Act 1973. Bigamy is punishable by imprisonment, a fine, or both. Additionally, any subsequent marriages entered into while the original marriage is still valid are void. The offense of bigamy aims to preserve the integrity of marriage and prevent individuals from entering into multiple marriages simultaneously without legally dissolving their existing marital union.

What is the dictionary definition of Bigamy?
Dictionary Definition of Bigamy

n. the condition of having two wives or two husbands at the same time. A marriage in which one of the parties is already legally married is bigamous, void, and ground for annulment. The one who knowingly enters into a bigamous marriage is guilty of the crime of bigamy, but it is seldom prosecuted unless it is part of a fraudulent scheme to get another’s property or some other felony. Occasionally people commit bigamy accidentally, usually in the belief that a prior marriage had been dissolved. The most famous case in the United States was that of Andrew Jackson and his wife Rachel Robards. Ms. Robards’ husband had applied for a divorce, but it had not been granted (it required legislative approval) at the time of her second marriage. She completed the divorce and then the Jacksons remarried. Jackson was embarrassed for life over his carelessness (he was a lawyer and a judge), which had hurt his wife’s reputation. Having several wives at the same time is called polygamy and being married to several husbands is polyandry.

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This glossary post was last updated: 29th March, 2024.

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  • American Psychological Association (APA):Bigamy. Retrieved April 20, 2024, from website: