Define: Avulsion

Quick Summary of Avulsion

Avulsion is a legal term that refers to the sudden and perceptible change in the course of a river or other water body due to natural forces, such as a flood or storm. When avulsion occurs, land that was previously adjacent to the water body may be suddenly and dramatically altered or relocated. In legal contexts, the principle of avulsion can affect property ownership rights, particularly regarding riparian or littoral property owners whose land boundaries are affected by changes in the watercourse. Unlike accretion, which involves gradual and imperceptible changes to land boundaries due to natural processes, avulsion occurs abruptly and may result in disputes over property rights and boundaries. Courts may apply specific rules and doctrines to determine how avulsive changes impact property ownership and boundaries, taking into account factors such as the intent of the parties, the permanence of the change, and the principles of equity and fairness.

What is the dictionary definition of Avulsion?
Dictionary Definition of Avulsion

Avulsion is a noun that refers to the act or process of forcibly tearing away or separating a body part, such as a limb or organ, from its normal position or attachment within the body. It can also describe the sudden removal or detachment of land or soil from its original location due to natural forces, such as erosion or flooding. Avulsion can result in severe injury, damage, or loss, and often requires immediate medical attention or intervention.

n. the change in the border of two properties due to a sudden change in the natural course of a stream or river, when the border is defined by the channel of the waterway. The most famous American case is the Mississippi River'”s change which put Vicksburg on the other side of the river.

Full Definition Of Avulsion

Avulsion refers to the sudden and violent tearing away of land from one property and its attachment to another property due to natural causes, such as a flood or earthquake. In legal terms, avulsion is considered a distinct concept from the gradual and imperceptible process of erosion or accretion.

When avulsion occurs, the ownership of the detached land remains with the original owner, even if it becomes physically attached to another property. This is because avulsion is seen as an act of nature that is beyond human control. However, the owner of the affected property may have the right to reclaim the detached land if it can be reasonably identified and located.

In some cases, disputes may arise between the original owner and the owner of the property to which the detached land has become attached. These disputes typically revolve around issues of ownership, boundaries, and rights to the detached land. Resolving such disputes often requires a careful examination of the specific circumstances surrounding the avulsion event and the applicable laws and regulations.

Overall, avulsion is a legal concept that recognizes the unique nature of land detachment caused by natural forces. It aims to balance the rights of the original owner with the practical realities of land ownership and natural events.

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This glossary post was last updated: 29th March, 2024.

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  • Modern Language Association (MLA):Avulsion. DLS Solicitors. April 23, 2024
  • Chicago Manual of Style (CMS):Avulsion. DLS Solicitors. (accessed: April 23, 2024).
  • American Psychological Association (APA):Avulsion. Retrieved April 23, 2024, from website: