Define: Ancillary

Quick Summary of Ancillary

Subordinate; aiding. A legal proceeding that is not the primary dispute but which aids the judgment rendered in or the outcome of the main action. A descriptive term that denotes a legal claim, the existence of which is dependent upon or reasonably linked to a main claim.

What is the dictionary definition of Ancillary?
Dictionary Definition of Ancillary

Ancillary (adjective): 1. Providing necessary support or assistance; supplementary or secondary in nature. Example: The ancillary staff at the hospital includes nurses, technicians, and administrative personnel. 2. Subordinate or subsidiary in function or role. Example: The ancillary equipment for the construction project includes cranes, scaffolding, and safety gear. 3. Relating to something that is additional or supplementary to the main thing. Example: The ancillary services offered by the hotel include room service, laundry, and concierge assistance. 4. supporting or enhancing the main product or service. Example: The ancillary products for the smartphone include protective cases, screen protectors, and wireless chargers. 5. Pertaining to a legal or contractual agreement that is supplementary or subordinate to the main agreement. Example: The ancillary contract outlines the terms and conditions for the provision of maintenance services. Note: The noun form of “ancillary” refers to a person or thing that provides support or assistance.

Full Definition Of Ancillary

Ancillary refers to something that is subordinate or supplementary to a main or primary matter. In legal terms, it typically refers to additional or secondary matters that are related to a main legal issue or transaction.

In the context of a legal case, ancillary matters may include procedural issues, such as the admissibility of evidence or the appointment of a special master. It can also refer to ancillary relief, which involves additional legal remedies sought by a party in a lawsuit, such as an injunction or specific performance.

In the context of business transactions, ancillary agreements or provisions are often included to address related matters that are not covered in the main agreement. For example, in a merger or acquisition, ancillary agreements may cover matters such as non-compete clauses, intellectual property rights, or employee benefits.

Overall, ancillary matters are important in legal proceedings or transactions as they help address related issues that are not the main focus but are still relevant and necessary for a comprehensive resolution.

For example, a plaintiff wins a judgement for a specified sum of money against a defendant in a negligence action. The defendant refuses to pay the judgement. The plaintiff begins another proceeding for a writ of attachment so that the judgement will be satisfied by the sale of the defendant’s property seized under the writ. The attachment proceeding is ancillary, or subordinate, to the negligence suit. An ancillary proceeding is sometimes called an ancillary suit or bill.

A claim for alimony is an ancillary claim dependent upon the primary claim that there are sufficient legal grounds for a court to grant a divorce.

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This glossary post was last updated: 9th April, 2024.

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  • Modern Language Association (MLA):Ancillary. DLS Solicitors. April 23, 2024
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  • American Psychological Association (APA):Ancillary. Retrieved April 23, 2024, from website: