Define: Alternative Pleading

Alternative Pleading
Alternative Pleading
Quick Summary of Alternative Pleading

Alternative pleading is a legal concept that allows a party in a lawsuit to present multiple, mutually exclusive claims or defences in the same pleading or court document. This strategy enables the party to assert alternative legal theories or arguments, thereby increasing the chances of success in the case. By presenting alternative pleadings, the party can adapt their strategy based on how the case unfolds and the evidence that emerges. This approach is commonly used when the facts of the case are unclear or when there are multiple possible interpretations of the law. Alternative pleading can help ensure that all potential legal avenues are explored and that the party’s rights are fully protected throughout the litigation process.

What is the dictionary definition of Alternative Pleading?
Dictionary Definition of Alternative Pleading

n. a legal fiction in which a party to a lawsuit or a defendant charged with a crime can plead two ways which are inconsistent with each other. Examples: a) someone hurt in an accident can plead that the other party was negligent or ran into him intentionally. b) “not guilty” and “not guilty by reason of insanity” (in which there is the implied admission that the defendant committed the act).

Alternative Pleading is a legal term referring to a legal strategy used by a party in a lawsuit to present multiple and contradictory claims or defenses in their pleadings. It allows the party to assert alternative versions of events or legal arguments, providing different options for the court to consider. This strategy is employed when the party is uncertain about the facts or the law applicable to their case, or when they want to maximize their chances of success by presenting multiple arguments. Alternative pleading aims to ensure that a party is not bound by a single theory of the case and allows them to adapt their claims or defenses as the case progresses.

Full Definition Of Alternative Pleading

Alternative pleading is a legal concept that allows a party to present multiple and inconsistent claims or defenses in a lawsuit. It allows the party to assert alternative versions of the facts or legal theories, without committing to a specific position. This is particularly useful when the party is uncertain about the facts or the law, or when there are multiple possible interpretations of the events in question. Alternative pleading is typically allowed in common law jurisdictions, as it promotes fairness and flexibility in the legal process. However, it is important to note that alternative pleading does not permit contradictory claims or defenses, and the party must still provide sufficient evidence to support each alternative.

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This glossary post was last updated: 29th March, 2024.

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  • Modern Language Association (MLA):Alternative Pleading. DLS Solicitors. April 18, 2024
  • Chicago Manual of Style (CMS):Alternative Pleading. DLS Solicitors. (accessed: April 18, 2024).
  • American Psychological Association (APA):Alternative Pleading. Retrieved April 18, 2024, from website: