Define: Alibi

Quick Summary of Alibi

In UK Law, an “alibi” refers to a defence strategy where the accused asserts that they were elsewhere at the time the alleged offense took place and, therefore, could not have committed the crime. To establish an alibi defence, the accused typically presents evidence, such as witness testimony, documentary evidence (such as receipts, travel records, or surveillance footage), or other corroborating evidence, to prove their absence from the scene of the crime during the relevant period. The burden of proof rests with the prosecution to disprove the alibi beyond a reasonable doubt. If the alibi defence is successful and raises reasonable doubt about the accused’s presence at the scene of the crime, it may lead to an acquittal. However, if the prosecution successfully undermines the credibility or reliability of the alibi evidence, the defence may be less effective in persuading the court or jury of the accused’s innocence. Overall, the alibi defence plays a significant role in criminal proceedings by challenging the prosecution’s case and requiring thorough investigation and evaluation of evidence by both sides.

What is the dictionary definition of Alibi?
Dictionary Definition of Alibi

n. an excuse used by a person accused or suspected of a crime. In the original Latin it means “in another place,” which has to be the ultimate alibi.

Alibi (noun): 1. A legal defence or excuse presented by an individual accused of a crime, claiming to have been elsewhere at the time the offense was committed, thus providing evidence of their innocence. 2. A statement or evidence offered by a person to prove that they were not present at the scene of a crime or any other event in question, often supported by witnesses, documents, or surveillance footage. 3. A plausible explanation or justification provided by an individual to account for their absence or actions during a specific period, typically used to avoid suspicion or blame in non-criminal situations. 4. In a broader sense, an alibi can refer to any form of evidence or argument used to support one’s claim of innocence or non-involvement in a particular event or circumstance.

Full Definition Of Alibi

An alibi is a legal defence strategy used by a defendant to prove that they were not present at the scene of a crime when it occurred. It is based on the principle that if the accused can establish a credible alibi, it creates reasonable doubt about their guilt. To establish an alibi, the defendant must provide evidence, such as witness testimony, video footage, or other documentation, that places them at a different location during the time of the crime. The burden of proof lies with the defendant to convince the court that their alibi is true. If successful, an alibi can result in an acquittal or a reduction in charges. However, if the prosecution can cast doubt on the credibility of the alibi or provide evidence that contradicts it, the defense may be weakened. It is important for the defendant to work closely with their legal counsel to gather and present the necessary evidence to support their alibi defense.

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This glossary post was last updated: 29th March, 2024.

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  • American Psychological Association (APA):Alibi. Retrieved April 24, 2024, from website: