Define: Adequate

Quick Summary of Adequate

In legal contexts, “adequate” typically refers to meeting a satisfactory or acceptable standard or requirement. This term is often used to assess the sufficiency or appropriateness of something within the framework of the law. For instance, a contract might be deemed adequate if it fulfils all necessary legal elements and obligations. The concept of adequacy varies depending on the specific context and may be subject to interpretation by legal authorities or courts. Overall, in law, “adequate” signifies meeting the minimum standards or expectations set forth by applicable laws or regulations.

What is the dictionary definition of Adequate?
Dictionary Definition of Adequate

Adequate (adjective): Sufficient or satisfactory in quantity, quality, or degree to meet a particular requirement or need. It refers to something that is suitable, acceptable, or appropriate for a given purpose or situation. Adequate implies meeting the minimum standards or expectations without exceeding them, often implying a lack of excellence or abundance.

Sufficient; equal to what is required; suitable to the case or occasion.

Full Definition Of Adequate

Adequate is a term used in legal contexts to describe something that is sufficient, satisfactory, or appropriate for a particular purpose. It is often used in the context of evaluating whether a certain standard or requirement has been met. For example, a court may consider whether a defendant’s actions were adequate to meet the standard of care in a negligence case. In contract law, parties may be required to provide adequate consideration for a contract to be valid. The determination of what is considered adequate can vary depending on the specific legal context and the facts of the case.

A law that requires Public Utilities to provide adequate service does not create a right for customers to sue the electric company whenever the meat in their freezers spoils because of a power outage in the absence of negligence. Service does not have to be perfect in order to meet a standard of adequacy.

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This glossary post was last updated: 29th March, 2024.

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  • Modern Language Association (MLA):Adequate. DLS Solicitors. April 16, 2024
  • Chicago Manual of Style (CMS):Adequate. DLS Solicitors. (accessed: April 16, 2024).
  • American Psychological Association (APA):Adequate. Retrieved April 16, 2024, from website: