Define: Act Of Union With Scotland 1707

Act Of Union With Scotland 1707
Act Of Union With Scotland 1707
Quick Summary of Act Of Union With Scotland 1707

The Act of Union with Scotland 1707 was a pivotal legislation passed by the Parliament of England and the Parliament of Scotland, which resulted in the unification of the Kingdom of England and the Kingdom of Scotland into a single political entity known as the Kingdom of Great Britain. The Act was driven by various economic, political, and military considerations, including the desire to strengthen Britain’s position in Europe and to promote economic stability and trade between the two nations. The Act of Union established a unified Parliament for Great Britain, combining the English and Scottish Parliaments into a single legislative body based in Westminster. It also provided for the creation of a single system of law and governance throughout the newly formed kingdom. The Act of Union remains a significant event in British history, shaping the political landscape of the United Kingdom and laying the foundation for the subsequent formation of the modern British state.

Full Definition Of Act Of Union With Scotland 1707

This Act represented the ratification of the Treaty of Union, and made England, Wales and Scotland one state with the name ‘Great Britain’. The Treaty was the result of negotiation to recombine the governments of England and Scotland after the collapse of the joint monarchy. It provides assurances for the continuation of many Scottish instruments of government (e.g., the district court system), and defines the size of the Scottish representation in Parliament.

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