Define: Abjuration

Quick Summary of Abjuration

A renunciation or abandonment by or upon oath. The renunciation under oath of one’s citizenship or some other right or privilege.

What is the dictionary definition of Abjuration?
Dictionary Definition of Abjuration

Abjuration is a noun that refers to the act of renouncing or rejecting something, particularly a belief, allegiance, or oath. It involves formally and publicly disavowing or repudiating a previously held position, often due to a change in beliefs, principles, or loyalties. Abjuration can also be used in legal contexts, where it signifies the act of renouncing one’s citizenship or nationality.

Full Definition Of Abjuration

Abjuration is a legal term that refers to the act of renouncing or giving up one’s allegiance or citizenship to a particular country or government. It is typically done voluntarily and is often associated with individuals who wish to avoid prosecution or punishment in their home country.

In some jurisdictions, abjuration may be a formal legal process that requires individuals to make a sworn statement or take an oath renouncing their allegiance. This process may also involve surrendering any rights or privileges associated with citizenship, such as the right to vote or hold public office.

Abjuration can have significant legal implications, as it may result in the loss of certain rights and protections afforded to citizens. It may also impact an individual’s ability to travel or reside in their home country, as well as their eligibility for certain benefits or services.

It is important to note that abjuration is distinct from deportation or extradition, which involve the involuntary removal of individuals from a country. Abjuration is a voluntary act that is typically initiated by the individual seeking to renounce their allegiance.

Overall, abjuration is a legal process that allows individuals to formally renounce their citizenship or allegiance to a particular country or government. It is a significant decision that can have various legal consequences and should be approached with careful consideration.

Abjuration FAQ'S

Abjuration is a formal renunciation or repudiation of a belief, allegiance, oath, or citizenship, often made publicly and under oath.

Common reasons for abjuration include renouncing allegiance to a particular government, renouncing membership in a religious organisation, or disavowing previously held beliefs or ideologies.

While abjuration and renunciation share some similarities, they are not exactly the same. Abjuration often involves a more formal and public repudiation, while renunciation can be a broader term that includes relinquishing or giving up something voluntarily.

In certain legal contexts, abjuration may be required as part of a legal process or condition. For example, individuals seeking naturalisation in some countries may be required to abjure allegiance to their former government or sovereign.

Abjuration typically involves renouncing or repudiating something, while denunciation involves formally accusing or condemning someone or something. Both terms involve a public declaration, but the focus and intent may differ.

In history, abjuration was sometimes used as a means of avoiding punishment or persecution for heresy, treason, or political dissent. Individuals accused of such offenses might publicly abjure their beliefs or allegiances to avoid more severe consequences.

In some historical periods and societies, individuals may have been coerced or compelled to abjure their beliefs under threat of punishment or persecution. However, in modern democratic societies, freedom of conscience and belief is generally protected.

An abjuration oath is a formal oath or declaration in which an individual renounces or repudiates a particular belief, allegiance, or allegiance to a foreign power. These oaths have been used historically in various legal and political contexts.

The legal consequences of abjuration depend on the specific circumstances and the laws of the jurisdiction involved. In some cases, abjuration may be a condition for receiving certain benefits or privileges, such as citizenship or amnesty.

Abjuration can sometimes be revoked or rescinded if the individual no longer wishes to maintain the renunciation or if they believe it was made under duress or coercion. However, the process for revoking abjuration may vary depending on the legal and administrative procedures in place.

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This glossary post was last updated: 29th March, 2024.

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  • American Psychological Association (APA):Abjuration. Retrieved April 23, 2024, from website: